Just the general ramblings and writings of a person in his own little world.
Gamefreak99's Articles In Personal Computing
November 6, 2003 by Gamefreak99
... and so I give you another! My Top 10 Favorite Websites! Like before, these are MY favorite sites and reflect what I'm going to currently. With that being said, let's get on to the list (in no particular order)! 1) www.joeuser.com - I think it's some kind of blogging site or something.... 2) www.wincustomize.com - My XP desktop gets very boring, very quickly. I head over here to spice things up a 'lil (or to kick it up a notch). Lot's of stuff available here. 3) www.gamefaqs.com - Wh...
November 29, 2003 by Gamefreak99
I decided to go a little bit further than my last article and go ahead and download a couple more browsers and test them for you all and so that I would finally have a browser that I loved with all of my heart. So, I downloaded Mozilla and Avant. That brings the total to five; Avant, Mozilla, Firebird, Slimbrowser, and good old (or bad) Internet Explorer. Let me break them down and some of their features... Slimbrowser I'll start with this one first. Like Avant, it is basically a "skin" for ...
November 28, 2003 by Gamefreak99
Ya so the other day I'm all surfing along, minding my own buisness. I go on over to Gamefaqs and everyones talking about what browsers they love (I'll give you a hint, Internet Explorer is NOT one of them...) and a lot of people are mentioning Mozilla's Firebird (ahaha! Get it? Phoenix, Firebird? I crack myself up...) so I head on over to Mozilla.org and I download it, just to see how it compares to my beloved SlimBrowser. Let me sum up my 24+ hour-so-far experience with it: 1) I've had no p...
October 20, 2003 by Gamefreak99
Windows. Apple. Linux. I don't think they represent what os you run on, they are more of a lifestyle (more so for the second two than the first). Who hasn't gotten into a fight (or at least a friendly debate) with someone about which is better? If you havn't you must be either A) living in the 1700's or very very naive. So which one IS the best? The answer is in the form of a question: How do you like things (or "Depends on who you ask.")? Which will win in the end? Apple is taking some goo...