Just the general ramblings and writings of a person in his own little world.
Gamefreak99's Articles » Page 2
September 15, 2003 by Gamefreak99
First off I must get this out of the way: retainers suck! They are the most evil torture device devised by mankind. Not only do they make you feel funny but you can't talk. They hurt going in and out and they make you take them out to eat or brush your teeth (5x the pain right there). And if you lose them they are $150 to replace (per). Braces: $1500. Retainer: $300. Five "Fun" Years of Pain: Priceless... oh wait nevermind thats $1800 (hey at least I get a free cup eh?)! Ok so I'm wat...
September 15, 2003 by Gamefreak99
Hey everybody it is I the almighty Gamefreak99 and I am here to say Hello (World)! Hopefully I'll be keeping up with this alot or something and you'll have the pleasure of reading my random thoughts and actions (yes you can read my actions after I post them, cool eh?). First off a little about me. I go to school. I play video games. I write. I read. I am uniquely the same as everyone else in a unique way. I am me. I am I (or am I?). And I'll be talking about random stuff in an attempt to engligh...